Помощь для бюджета Изоплитовского поселения

Honorable Governor: This appeal is from Alfred Dexter Wright and Michael Ozima. We live in Озерки-Тверской обл-Конаковского р-на. We request your patronage for our settlement. Help to restore it normal view.

There is burned houses, overgrown weeds and bushes, untidy garbage that attracts rats and feral animals and poses a health problem, dirty and bad roads and destroyed sheds. We are in a protected area» Завидово». There must be room in the budget or another fund to help alleviate these problems. There is never appropriate funds for our little settlements.

I and Michael have lived in russia for over 15 years and have come to love RUSSIA and our settlement of ОЗЕРКИ, It hurts us to see these conditions. We kept thinking that something would be done but that never happened The destruction is akin to the aftermath of a bombing. Honorable Governor we thank you for your attention to this situation. I Alfred Dexter Wright am an american citizen and Mr.

Ozima is a french citizen.

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